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Visitors 21
Modified 2-Apr-09
Created 29-Mar-09
54 photos

01 - Now before I forget

01 - Now before I forget

02 - Preparing for action

02 - Preparing for action

03 - Ready for cold weather

03 - Ready for cold weather

04 - Plans

04 - Plans

05 - Big plans

05 - Big plans

06 - Bigger plans

06 - Bigger plans

07 - Free at last

07 - Free at last

08 - Bunnies beware

08 - Bunnies beware

09 - Portrait

09 - Portrait

10 - Portrait

10 - Portrait

11 - Getting ready

11 - Getting ready

12 - Friends and guests

12 - Friends and guests

13 - Hey, good-looking

13 - Hey, good-looking

14 - Ambushed

14 - Ambushed

15 - Portrait

15 - Portrait

16 - Everyone gets his orders

16 - Everyone gets his orders

17 - The field listens in

17 - The field listens in

18 - Let's go, already

18 - Let's go, already

19 - Onto the steeplechase course

19 - Onto the steeplechase course

20 - Holding hounds while waiting for the far whippers-in to get into position

20 - Holding hounds while waiting for the far whippers-in to get into position