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Created 27-Mar-09
Modified 25-Aug-12
Blue Ridge Hunt
Boyce, Virginia 22620.
Established 1888.
Recognized 1904.

Today's followers of the Blue Ridge hounds ride over the same country and along the same twists and turns of the Shenandoah River as did George Washington nearly three hundred years ago when he followed the hounds of his employer and friend, Thomas, sixth lord Fairfax. The two pursued the native gray fox behind hounds that Fairfax had brought from England.

For the next hundred years, foxhunting in Virginia continued to flourish privately. However, by the time the Civil War had run its tragic course, the southern economy was crippled, its social fabric asunder, and its citizens poverty stricken. Those changes set the stage for the formation of organized hunts and subscription packs. An English emigré, Archibald Bevan, helped to organize the Blue Ridge Hunt in 1888, and he served as its first Master. William Bell Watkins, Alexander Mackay-Smith, and Mrs. George (Judy) Greenhalgh, Jr. were among the Hunt's most influential Masters of the twentieth century.

-- courtesy of Norman M Fine

2012/2013 Hunting Season

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Modified 18-Mar-13
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2011/2012 Hunting Season

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2010/2011 Hunting Season

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Modified 13-May-11
255 photos

2009/2010 Hunting Season

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Modified 6-May-10
905 photos
2009/2010 Hunting Season

2008/2009 Hunting Season

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Modified 27-Apr-09
3703 photos
2008/2009 Hunting Season

2007/2008 Hunting Season

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Modified 30-Mar-09
824 photos
2007/2008 Hunting Season