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Visitors 25
Modified 26-Apr-09
Created 29-Mar-09
44 photos

01 - Team ready?

01 - Team ready?

02 - Portrait

02 - Portrait

03 - Portrait

03 - Portrait

04 - Sic semper paparazzi

04 - Sic semper paparazzi

05 - Attentive hounds

05 - Attentive hounds

06 - You can count on us

06 - You can count on us

07 - Portrait

07 - Portrait

08 - Preparing the initial campaign at Priskilly

08 - Preparing the initial campaign at Priskilly

09 - Sending out the whip

09 - Sending out the whip

10 - Fleeing guerilla elements

10 - Fleeing guerilla elements

11 - Incoming

11 - Incoming

12 - Bingo

12 - Bingo

13 - He went that-a-way

13 - He went that-a-way

14 - Message understood

14 - Message understood

15 - We've got him on the run

15 - We've got him on the run

16 - I don't know what all the fuss is about

16 - I don't know what all the fuss is about

17 - Looks like fun to us

17 - Looks like fun to us

18 - A good start to the day

18 - A good start to the day

19 - I wonder what's next

19 - I wonder what's next

20 - More, we want more

20 - More, we want more