01 - Masters, huntsmen, and interested bystanders prepare for the Puppy Show

02 - From near and far

03 - Lots of experience

04 - You've come a long way

05 - Let's bring out the first lot

06 - Gambler and Galway

07 - You missed that treat, Galway

08 - Looking almost grown up

09 - Well, that didn't last long

10 - Can't take your eye off that treat for a moment

11 - First he throws it here

12 - Then he tosses it over here

13 - Nicely synchronized

14 - What're you waiting for, an engraved invitation?

15 - This way, gentlemen

16 - Enter Latimer and Pickwick

17 - You wouldn't have any of those treat thingies, would you?

18 - How about you?

19 - That's right

20 - And there's enough for everyone
© KLM Images, photography by Karen L Myers