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Visitors 29
Modified 23-Apr-09
Created 29-Mar-09
51 photos

01 - A foggy morning

01 - A foggy morning

02 - Intelligence reports

02 - Intelligence reports

03 - Portrait

03 - Portrait

04 - Portrait

04 - Portrait

05 - Nattily attired

05 - Nattily attired

06 - Portrait

06 - Portrait

07 - Sketching the plan

07 - Sketching the plan

08 - Let's go

08 - Let's go

09 - An island of calm in a sea of chaos

09 - An island of calm in a sea of chaos

10 - We're ready

10 - We're ready

11 - Can we go now?

11 - Can we go now?

12 - Alright, settle down

12 - Alright, settle down

13 - Hurry up

13 - Hurry up

14 - Pay attention

14 - Pay attention

15 - It's about time

15 - It's about time

16 - I suppose you're wondering why I've called you all here

16 - I suppose you're wondering why I've called you all here

17 - Come with me

17 - Come with me

18 - Pack up

18 - Pack up

19 - Following scent at Kildere

19 - Following scent at Kildere

20 - Well camouflaged

20 - Well camouflaged