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Visitors 100
Modified 3-May-09
Created 27-Apr-09
71 photos

01 - Farmer and his friends

01 - Farmer and his friends

02 - Big brother

02 - Big brother

03 - The gang

03 - The gang

04 - Standing on the shoulders of giants

04 - Standing on the shoulders of giants

05 - Warm afternoon

05 - Warm afternoon

06 - I'll protect you from that photographer

06 - I'll protect you from that photographer

07 - Back off or I'll call the cops

07 - Back off or I'll call the cops

08 - Time for a party

08 - Time for a party

09 - Setting up the bar

09 - Setting up the bar

10 - Guests arrive

10 - Guests arrive

11 - Lots to catch up on

11 - Lots to catch up on

12 - Portrait

12 - Portrait

13 - Essential supplies

13 - Essential supplies

14 - Look at those puppies

14 - Look at those puppies

15 - Jolly

15 - Jolly

16 - Portrait

16 - Portrait

17 - Guest

17 - Guest

18 - Portrait

18 - Portrait

19 - Portrait

19 - Portrait

20 - Portrait

20 - Portrait