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Created 28-Jan-12
Modified 28-Jan-12
Keswick Hunt Club
PO Box 227.
Orange, Virginia 22947.
Established 1896.
Recognized 1903.

The Country at Keswick has rolling woods and fields with little cultivation, with some steep and trappy country in foothills of the Blue Ridge. Jumps are chicken coops over wire, telephone poles, natural log panels, post-and-rails and board fences and an occasional stone wall.

The southern Rapidan country in Orange County has rolling farmland with fences mainly of chick­en coops and post-and-rails. The Montepelier country has mixed farmland and heavy woods. The Madison County country is rolling farmland, a mixture of pasture and small grain. There is much bottomland along the Rapidan River. The Green Springs District of Louisa County is mainly open pasture and croplands with many swampy areas and trappy creek crossings.

1 - Woodlawn (Joint Meet with Old Dominion Hounds) (1/28/2012)

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0 photos
Created 28-Jan-12
Modified 28-Jan-12