01 - Good preparation is key to hunting success
02 - Others are of the same opinion
03 - Surrounded by donkeys
04 - Portrait of two ears
05 - Winter coats
06 - Go slowly if it's your first sip of port
07 - Buddies
08 - More port?
09 - You know he's underage, don't you?
10 - Ears forward in approval
11 - Shaggy, even the eyelashes
12 - How to create a herd of lushes
13 - Surprising we don't see more of this in cave paintings
14 - Savoring
15 - Good to the last drop
16 - You knew the Bearded One would want more
17 - He's much shaggier than I am
18 - Crowded
19 - Catching up
20 - Portrait
© KLM Images, photography by Karen L Myers