Photos from a defunct newspaper archive labeled "Kennels and Dogs of J B Thomas". The location is Huntland farm. Joseph B Thomas was master of the Piedmont Fox Hounds at this time.
For a related archive showing Joseph B Thomas with the beagles of the "Piedmont Hunt Club" at an early National Beagle Club pack trial event also in 1914 see
01 - The kennels at Huntland
02 - The kennels at Huntland
03 - The kennels at Huntland
04 - Joseph B Thomas
05 - Bring out the pack. J B Thomas in back.
06 - Foxhound
07 - Foxhound
08 - Foxhound
09 - Foxhound
10 - Foxhound
11 - Foxhound
12 - Foxhound
13 - Foxhound
14 - Foxhound
15 - Foxhound
16 - Foxhound
17 - The pack
© KLM Images, photography by Karen L Myers