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Created 28-Mar-09
Modified 15-Apr-11
Piedmont Fox Hounds
P.O. Box 13
Upperville, Virginia 20185.
Established 1840.
Recognized 1899.

The country is situated at the northern end of the Piedmont Valley about 60 miles from Washington, D.C. It is about 20 by 12 miles. It is a grain growing and grazing country made up of large farms. Fences are stone and wood. Large section of country now paneled with post and rails.

1914 - Piedmont Fox Hounds at Huntland

Visitors 82
17 photos
Created 17-Apr-11
Modified 17-Apr-11
1914 - Piedmont Fox Hounds at Huntland

2 - Puppy Show (5/31/2009)

Visitors 0
0 photos
Created 31-May-09
Modified 31-May-09

1 - Peace & Plenty Farm (with guests from the Blue Ridge Hunt) (12/4/2008)

Visitors 361
120 photos
Created 1-Apr-09
Modified 1-Apr-09
1 - Peace & Plenty Farm (with guests from the Blue Ridge Hunt) (12/4/2008)