Moments captured, mostly while partaking in foxhunting and rabbit hunting activities.
A whipper-in at the Beagle Pack Trials, Aldie, Virginia
Young member wearing her father's coat at the Beagle Pack Trials, Aldie, Virginia
Whipper-in for the Ashland Bassets, Warrenton, Virginia
A member of the Nantucket-Treweryn Beagles, Berryville, Virginia
A whipper-in for the Nantucket-Treweryn Beagles, and a grateful pup, Berryville, Virginia
Postillions at a coaching exhibition, Stratford Hall, Virginia
A Master of the Blue Ridge Hunt, Boyce, Virginia
A young member of the Old Dominion Hounds, Orlean, Virginia
Young members of the Blue Ridge Hunt, Orlean, Virginia
A young member of the Blue Ridge Hunt, Boyce, Virginia
A young member of the Blue Ridge Hunt, Boyce, Virginia
Inside the van, Delaplane, Virginia
Portrait of a huntsman, Aldie, Virginia
Gothic beagle and friend, Berryville, Virginia
Huntsman in the rain, Aldie, Virginia
Preparing for the beagle pack trials, Aldie, Virginia
Hugging a beagle at an exhibition, Upperville, Virginia
Like mother, like daughter, Boyce, Virginia
A Master of Hounds, Boyce, Virginia
Junior handler at the hound show, Leesburg, Virginia
© KLM Images, photography by Karen L Myers