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Visitors 227
Modified 2-Apr-09
Created 29-Mar-09
129 photos

01 - Thanks to our kind friends

01 - Thanks to our kind friends

02 - Consultation

02 - Consultation

03 - Concentration

03 - Concentration

04 - Oh, come on, it's only a camera

04 - Oh, come on, it's only a camera

05 - You should be used to cameras

05 - You should be used to cameras

06 - No shortage of photographers

06 - No shortage of photographers

07 - Portrait

07 - Portrait

08 - Got their hands full

08 - Got their hands full

09 - Portrait

09 - Portrait

10 - Portrait

10 - Portrait

11 - Reds

11 - Reds

12 - Blue

12 - Blue

13 - Portrait

13 - Portrait

14 - Paws too big to fit in the hound truck

14 - Paws too big to fit in the hound truck

15 - Drinking something warming

15 - Drinking something warming

16 - Portrait

16 - Portrait

17 - Portrait

17 - Portrait

18 - Sorted by position

18 - Sorted by position

19 - Portrait

19 - Portrait

20 - What's the best route

20 - What's the best route