01 - Landfall Farm

02 - She's got her hands full

03 - They always want to drive

04 - So, am I the only one hunting today?

05 - What about us?

06 - Everyone's invited

07 - Treats before the action

08 - Bundling up in front of the Bull Run Mountains

09 - Oh boy oh boy oh boy

10 - Little bundles of enthusiasm

11 - The last time I get this close before being walked into the ground

12 - Bye-bye

13 - Taking the shortcut through the paddock

14 - Through the wooded edge

15 - Up past the junipers

16 - Up the hill

17 - Regrouping at the top

18 - Down this hill, with plenty more to come

19 - There was a rabbit here once

20 - He went in here, mom
© KLM Images, photography by Karen L Myers